How to Start Free-Range Chicken Farming in the Philippines


It is time to get a-clucking and begin learning how to start free-range chicken farming in the Philippines. Raising free-range birds can be a rewarding experience for a businessperson or entrepreneur.

But what exactly is a free-range chicken? To be free-range, a bird must be able to walk freely in an area. The entrepreneur does not confine them to a building or container. Imagine a clutch of chickens roaming around in a field or a clearing with a fence.

Why keep them free range?

The first is Vitamin D! They get plenty of sun which makes them healthier and happier, and when your bird is healthier and happier, people say it’s more delicious.

The second is lower food costs because the chickens will be able to forage for food outside. This lowers your food costs and more savings means more money for you.

Speaking of which, there’s a premium on free-range chickens in the marketplace. This means that they will fetch a higher selling price which means more profit and growth for you at the end of the day. 

So how do you start a free-range chicken farm in the Philippines? Let us tell you the ins and outs of free-range chicken farming.

1) Research! Research! Research!

Starting with great research is always a must when entering into a venture. In fact, by reading this article, you are already getting some of that research done. But more than that, you need to learn a lot of things. You need to find out which birds in the Philippines are suitable for free-range farming. Where do you source them? What are the payment terms for free-range chicks? These questions can be answered by a great partner like Bounty who can help you set up your free-range chicken operation.

Remember, knowing is half the battle, and with research, you arm yourself with the necessary knowledge to get your business up and running.



2) Build a coop and a run

It seems counterintuitive to build a coop but a chicken still needs a safe place to rest and get away from the weather. A chicken coop will keep them rested and protected throughout the night so they grow healthy and big for your business to sell at a good price.

A run is a fenced-off area where your chickens can, well, run around and be free. The fence is there so your chickens do not run straight to the highway and to keep predators away from your precious chooks. In the run, they will be able to eat bugs and seeds naturally.

3) You still need to provide food and water

When starting a free-range chicken farm in the Philippines, the great thing about it is that the birds would be able to forage for their own food, but they still need access to clean water and a balanced diet. Make sure you provide fresh, clean water at all times, and feed your chickens a high-quality feed that is appropriate for their age and stage of life.

4) Plan for predators. They’re wiley!

With chickens running around freely, your risk of predators wreaking havoc on your flock multiplies tenfold. A big cat can kill smaller chickens and can ruin your potential profit. You need to consider your predator protection plan.

Mesh wire is essential to keep predators out of your run. Make your mesh wire fence at least one and a half meters from the ground and half a meter below the ground to prevent digging. Keep your chickens in your coop at night as predators are more active between dusk and dawn.

5) Bioprotection measures are a must

Free-range chickens can still get sick and you need to make sure that disease does not get to your flock. That is why keeping vaccination up to date is very important to safeguarding your birds. Birds must be vaccinated at 14 to 21 weeks and then every 2 weeks thereafter.

This also includes keeping your coop and run clean and dry, quarantining new birds before introducing them to your flock, and preventing wild birds from coming into contact with your chickens.

Start your Free-Range Chicken Business Today

In conclusion, free-range chicken farming in the Philippines can be a lucrative and fulfilling business opportunity for those willing to put in the work.

As with any venture, research is key. Take the time to learn about suitable bird breeds, payment terms, and predator protection measures. Building a coop and run, providing food and water, and implementing protection measures are all crucial aspects of free-range chicken farming.

By following these steps and putting in the necessary effort, you can raise healthy and happy chickens that will provide delicious meat for your customers. So why not start today and begin your journey into free-range chicken farming in the Philippines?

For further information, contact us at Bounty to learn about free-range chicken farming.

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